Smart Internet Group (SIG)

HorusEye,Usenix Security 23

Tsinghua University & Peng Cheng Lab & Southern University of Science and Technology
Welcome to the Smart Internet Group (SIG,智能互联网研究组). SIG is composed of a group of researchers, engineers, and students from Tsinghua University (清华大学), Peng Cheng Laboratory (鹏城实验室), and Southern University of Science and Technology (南方科技大学). We are mainly dedicated to exploring key technologies for the next-generation Internet, hoping to make the Internet architecture scalable, content transmission more real-time, and system interaction more secure.
Students interested in pursuing a doctoral degree from Tsinghua University or Southern University of Science and Technology are welcome to contact us.

Lab News

  • [News!] Air-CAD and NCTM accepted by ACM WWW 2024!
  • [News!] Co-Chair, 2nd workshop on "6G-empowered Robotic Vehicles for Sustainable Development" in IEEE VTC, Singapore, 2024. Website to be published!
  • [News!] Welcome Lei Guo (郭雷) to join our group as a Ph.D. candidate in 2024 (鹏城实验室-南科大联培博士项目)!
  • [News!] Two papers accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2024! Congratulations to Ruoyu and Xiaoteng!
  • [News!] Two papers accepted by NeurIPS 2023! Congratulations to Ruoyu and Zhengxin!
  • [News!] FlexNF accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2023! Congratulations to Jinyu and Xudong!
  • [News!] MagNet accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2023! Congratulations to Junkun!
  • [News!] Loong accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2023! Congratulations to Guorui!
  • [News!] Guest Editor, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IF:10.238, Q1) Special Issue on Integrated Sensing, Computing and Communication for Internet of Robotic Things, deadline: Apr 15th, 2024. Call-for-Papers
  • [News!] Mousikav2 accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2023! Congratulations to Guorui!


Firs of all, we are always looking for self-motivated, creative and hard-working graduate, undergradtaue students and post-docs to work with us on a number of research projects (欢迎申请:清华大学博士研究生、清华-鹏城联培博士、南科大-鹏城联培博士). If you are interested, please email us with a short description of your technical background and a CV ( Email: liq AT AT ).
My research interests lie broadly in

  • Internet architecture, including scalable intelligent routing, software-defined networks/programmable networks (P4), edge computing, in-network computing for large-scale distributed machine learning (Network for AI), etc.
  • Artificial intelligence for networks (AI for Networks), including intelligent routing, intelligent congestion control, in-network intelligence based on the programmable data plane, network anomaly detection based on AI.
  • Multimedia and emerging applications, including video super-resolution, multi-agent collaborative video analytics, etc.