彭俊坤 Junkun Peng
2020级硕博连读生 Doctoral Student
Junkun Peng received the B.S. degree (2015) from Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, in information management and information system. He is currently a doctoral student with Tsinghua University in computer technology. His research interests include ‘Real-Time Video Transmission/Analysis’ and ‘Robot Learning for Practical General-Purpose Robots’.
- Email: pengjunkun@gmail.com
Research focus
- Robot Learning for Practical General-Purpose Robots
- Real-Time Video Transmission/Analysis
[IEEE TMC, 23] A Cooperative Caching System in Heterogeneous Edge Networks (第一作者,CCF-A) [detail]
[ACM WWW, 22] MagNet: Cooperative Edge Caching by Automatic Content Congregating (第一作者,CCF-A) [detail]
[IEEE INFOCOM, 23] SkyNet: Multi-Drone Cooperation for Real-Time Person Identification and Localization (第一作者,CCF-A) [detail]
[IEEE INFOCOM, 24] Smart Data-Driven Proactive Push to Edge Network for User-Generated Videos (CCF-A) [detail]
[IEEE JSAC, 23] VaBUS: Edge-Cloud Real-time Video Analytics via Background Understanding and Subtraction (SCI-Q1, CCF-A) [detail]
[IEEE Transactions on Computers, 23] An Edge-side Real-time Video Analytics System with Dual Computing Resource Control (SCI-Q1,CCF-A) [detail]
[Usenix Security, 23] HorusEye: A Realtime IoT Malicious Traffic Detection Framework using Programmable Switches (CCF-A) [detail]
[IEEE Transactions On Broadcasting, 23] QAVA: QoE-aware Adaptive Video Bitrate Aggregation for HTTP Live Streaming based on Smart Edge Computing (SCI-Q2) [detail]